Baymax Studio Apps

WiFi密码钥匙显示器 1.0
Baymax Studio
您是否遇到过:当您换新Android手机,家里来了亲朋好友,需要上网却发现由于长时间不输入WIFI密码,早已忘记了密码。若您之前使用过百度WiFi、360WiFi、WiFi钥匙、WiFi伴侣、平安WiFi等分享类连网神器,且把密码分享出去过,此类分享工具可以帮您再次连入网络,解决您的问题,让您畅游WiFi世界;可是若没有用过,你需要再次连入就会比较麻烦。这时候,使用【WiFi密码查看】来找回之前连过的密码。WiFi密码查看是一款可以连接WiFi的钥匙工具,是WiFi钥匙好伴侣。WiFi密码查看独有的查看WiFi密码功能,让您不再担心忘记失去WiFi钥匙。有了WiFi钥匙,能够轻松实现自动联网,看网易、上QQ、聊微信、看优酷、逛淘宝再也不要担心流量不够用了,让您畅游WiFi网络。* WiFi连接:显示出当前附件WiFi热点,一键连接历史WiFi,WiFi开关,方便控制WiFi。* 一键测速功能:随时随地测试当前WiFi速度,五档分级,让您对当前WiFi速度一目了然快速。* 密码查看功能:通过快速查看WiFi连接历史的密码功能,一键分享好友,共享WiFi。* 轻松一刻:搜罗全新的糗事,动图。* WiFi检测:一键WiFi体检,放心上网快来使用吧!wifi信号增强、wifi加速等功能将陆续开发,敬请期待!Have you ever:When you get a new Android phone, home to friends and family, butfound that due to the net for a long time do not enter a passwordWIFI, long forgotten password.If you have used Baidu WiFi, 360WiFi, WiFi key, WiFi partner, PingWiFi networking and other share classes artifact, and the passwordto share it too, share these tools can help you connect to thenetwork again, to solve your problem, let WiFi you anywhere in theworld;However, if not used, you will need to re-connect into moretrouble. At this time, using {WiFi password to view] before evenhad to retrieve password.WiFi password to view is a key tool can be connected to WiFi,WiFi is the key to a good companion. WiFi password to view theunique view WiFi password function, so you no longer have to worryabout forgetting the loss of WiFi keys. With WiFi keys, can easilyachieve automatic network, see NetEase, the QQ, micro-channel chat,watch Youku, Taobao shopping never to worry about traffic notenough, so you swim WiFi network.* WiFi connection: shows the current annex WiFi hotspots, a keyhistorical WiFi connection, WiFi switch, easy to controlWiFi.* One key speed function: current test anywhere WiFi speed,five-speed rating, allowing you to quickly glance current WiFispeed.* Password Viewer Function: Quick View WiFi connection historycryptographic functions, a key share friends, share WiFi.* Easily moment: collecting new embarrassments, moving map.* WiFi detection: a key WiFi examination, assured theInternetCome to use it!wifi signal enhancement, wifi acceleration and other functionswill continue to develop, so stay tuned!
WiFi Password钥匙 1.4.9
Baymax Studio
免费WiFi密码查看器是一款可以连接附近WiFi热点的,查看WiFi密码,测试WiFi速度的App。* WiFi连接:显示出当前附件WiFi热点,一键连接历史WiFi,WiFi开关,方便控制WiFi。* 一键测速功能:随时随地测试当前WiFi速度,五档分级,让您对当前WiFi速度一目了然快速。*密码查看功能:当您更换新的Android手机时,需要上网却发现由于长时间不输入WiFi密码而忘记密码,通过快速查看WiFi连接历史的密码功能,分享好友,共享WiFi。快来使用吧!Free WiFi PasswordVieweris a nearby WiFi hotspot you can connect, view the WiFipassword,test speed WiFi App.* WiFi connection: shows the current annex WiFi hotspots, akeyconnection history WiFi, WiFi switch, easy to controlWiFi.* One key speed function: anytime test current WiFispeed,five-speed rating, allowing you to quickly clear the currentspeedWiFi.* Password View function: When you replace a new Android phone,youneed Internet access but found that due to the long time donotenter the WiFi password and forget the password, through quickviewof history password feature WiFi connection, sharing friends,shareWiFi.Come and use it!